In-house Legal Department

Within the CPI investigations team, a fully-fledged case management system is managed by legal advisors, attorneys and advocates who are dedicated in managing all the client’s cases and interacting with relevant authorities to ensure the successful prosecution of perpetrators.
The legal team serves to monitor and assist with court cases and ensures dockets are complete with relevant information to be presented to court. Moreover, CPI’s in-house legal team provides advice at bail hearings and ensures that witnesses are informed in respect of court attendance.
The team acts as a watching brief over sensitive cases and/or appoints legal advisors from the private sector should the need arise.

During 2009 CPI increased its capabilities substantially with the addition of its Aviation wing, allowing CPI to provide additional unique services to meet its clients’ needs.
CPI’s Robinson R44 Raven II Police Helicopter is equipped with the latest surveillance technology to ensure high levels of efficiency during both day and night operations. This technology includes a gyro stabilised FLIR, Thermal Imaging System, a Spectrolab search light as well as other essential law enforcement equipment.
Our highly qualified and experienced aviation team consists of several Pilots and Tactical Flight Officers, who are on standby 24/7 and can deploy to any part of South Africa when required.